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Serving locally and Globally
Serving locally and Globally
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Local and Global Missions
Below is the list of missionaries and ministries that we support locally, across the country, and around the world.
Fran & Lori Derocher
Fran and Lori Derocher are missionaries with Mission Aviation Fellowship, returning to MAF after working with a relief and development organization in Southeast Asia. Prior to their work in Southeast Asia, they served with MAF in Africa for over 20 years. They look forward to rejoining the MAF family as they bring their extensive and varied field experience into their roles to mentor and train the next generation preparing to serve in MAF.
To learn more, or find out how to support them, CLICK HERE .
Robbie & Stacey Halleen
Robbie is serving in Colorado with The Calvary Family of Churches, providing shepherding care and training to missionaries on the field, as well as training and equipping churches to send missionaries well and provide ongoing care and support for them as they serve to the ends of the earth.
To stay connected with the Halleens, or to find ways you can be praying for them, CLICK HERE
Archer Leupp
Archer serves as a chaplain to local law enforcement; serving 6 local law enforcement agencies through ride-alongs with officers, counseling officers and their families, and assisting in crisis situations in the community. As the Wisconsin rep for the International Conference of Police Chaplains, he works with 400+ LE agencies to develop chaplain programs in their agencies, as well as helping recruit, train, and mobilize qualified and competent chaplains to provide an immersive gospel influence among our law enforcement communities.
To find out how you can support Archer directly, CLICK HERE
Tim & Amy moline
Tim and Amy are working working with the Great Sea Initiative. The goal is to minister with a local church and help them reach least reached peoples. The vision is to see a gospel movement (many coming to saving faith in Jesus Christ). Tim will still do theological education by raising up leaders from within the church and Amy will continue with audio Bible studies.
To learn more, or find out how to support them, CLICK HERE
Chris & Heather Nadolny
The Nadolny family is serving with CRU, working to build teams of students who are passionate about Jesus, and seeing other students on their campuses impacted by the Gospel. Pray for them as they make and train disciples to make disciples in Florida.
To learn more, or find out how to support them, CLICK HERE.